All Sotkon equipment - whether underground, semi-underground or surface waste systems - is produced with high quality materials. However, continued use of any equipment causes its inevitable deterioration. To reverse this trend, we advise to regularly check the general condition of the equipment.
There are many challenges that municipalities must face: the usual operational difficulties, such as staff shortages and an ever-growing list of pending tasks, are often exacerbated by financial constraints.
To address these challenges, SOTKON created SOTCARE to enable the efficient servicing of the Maintenance, Conservation and Technical Assistance to Sotkon equipment according to the needs of each city.
The SOTCARE maintenance program brings many benefits to all cities with Sotkon equipment:
Safety First
Ensuring that equipment is kept in good working condition is equivalent to ensuring that all users and waste collection operators are safe.
Long-lasting Superior Quality
Cleaning and maintenance allow the characteristics and performance of the equipment to be maintained, thus prolonging its useful life, and ensuring that there are no anticipated replacement needs.
Cost Reduction
Scheduled maintenance of equipment enables more efficient cost management, reducing long-term repair costs and minimizing unexpected expenses.
Fail-Safe Operation
The SOTCARE program allows a constant operability of the equipment. Consequently, the number of malfunctions is reduced, and the efficiency of the collection activity is increased.
User Satisfaction
For the equipment to maintain its visual characteristics, it is important to establish a scheduled cleaning program. The aesthetic component is also an essential factor, since it helps make users more receptive to create good hygiene and recycling habits.
The Sotcare program includes several types of services, performed periodically on the different components of the equipment. In general, the SOTCARE program checks the overall condition of the equipment and includes the cleaning of the equipment, with different levels of detail.
As an example, let us look at the services associated with the intake column. Among other tasks, we can find the verification of the lid opening/closing, washing and degreasing, application of gloss polish, replacement of the rubber seal of the lid and verification and treatment of eventual rust points, if any is found.